Friday, August 29, 2008


Gomennasai = sorry; sounds like "go men" "nah sigh"

Sorry I haven't written in a while. There is a lot to catch up on, but where to start? The days just melted into each other and all of a sudden it's Friday night! It's not like I am being very active though.

I'll start at Monday, and maybe you can get an idea.

The package my magnificent mom sent a week ago finally arrived!! Right on top was a brilliant copy of Breaking Dawn, the long awaited last addition to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. I pulled it out, and literally jumped up and down, then ran around to show everyone the book. They go the idea I was excited. I even got Winnie interested in the story! Also in the box were some tank tops (a week too late since now it is rainy and chilly!), and some good old American chocolate which I am hording for a later date.

My last class on Monday was canceled, so I began reading around 4PM and was first through the first 200 pages or so by 9PM when I left. When I got home I continued to read until 1AM.

Tuesday I took a bus to Aizu, a city about an hour and 20 minutes NW. They are down a teacher until next week. I read on the bus, and in between classes, and by 7 PM I had finished all 756 pages of the book. Am I good or what?!

As you can see I have lots of planning time at work, and it's pretty flexible.

Next week I will begin teaching in schools. Kindergarten, Elementary, and some Junior Highs. I'm trying not to think about it, b/c the kids feed off your energy, but I am nervous about it. After I do a couple lessons it'll probably get better. I don't know why I always do these things. Many people see my courageous, outgoing attitude and think I love to be on the spot. While I do like attention every now and then, I really hate being the person on spot in front of a bunch of people. Even if those people are a group of 15 second graders!


Unknown said...

u r crazy. i once worked with a girl that read the sixth harry potter book in one day. not stopping for food or the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

ok Steph---- here's my note again--- lets see if I can post it Love so much hearing from you!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy your weekend Love Aunt Patty

Anonymous said...