Sunday, August 17, 2008

Herbert's box

This isn't about Japan at all, but since I am from Florida, I'm still keeping tabs on home. While looking for news on the Tropical storm/soon to be hurricane Fay, I found this clip about Herbert's box (sounds like aye bear's box). It's kind of like the Bermuda Triangle, but for hurricanes, and there are 2.

Check this out
Herbert's box


Unknown said...

If you search google for Herbert's box, you're like 5th on the's funny.

That's also a pretty good description. The video you linked to wouldn't play for me, probably cause I'm downloading alot right now, so if you don't want to watch a video, just click that link!

Unknown said...

thats crazy!

Unknown said...


"Be on the first page a Google search" -- cross that of my list of things to do before I die.

Now if only I could be a hit on Youtube.... But I'd need to sing or do something equally embarrassing.

Nah.. it's cool enough being a Google hit. ^_^