Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jesus is a wheat rice cracker!

Well, Jesus is Jesus, but in Japan the actual wafer, before it is consecrated and all that jazz, is cross between a wheat and rice taste. It still has that styrofoam texture, but with a little extra cardboard thrown in.

As you've probably gathered, Mom and Dad, I went and found the Catholic Church today. Yes, of course the mass was still the same, but that really didn't help me understand the Japanese. Luckily, they gave me a little booklet that has the English and Japanese words. So here translated for you is Profession of Faith -->one of the Catholics top prayers

Zenno no Kami dearu Chichi
wo shinji masu.
Chichi no hitorigo.
Otorne Maria kara umare,
kurushimi wo ukete
shisha no uchi kara

(and then there's actually a part missing.)
This is what it says in English:

I believe in God,
the father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ,
his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the
power of the Holy Spirit and
born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius
Pilate, was crucified, died
and buried.

(and another piece missing)

Also, a normal mass with singing and a decent homily should be about an hour long. Special occasions are longer, and Mass with no singing is shorter- about 45min tops.
This Mass in Japan had no singing, and it was still an hour! I guess it wouldn't be so bad, but the homily was 25 minutes long, and after about 5 minutes of only understanding maybe every 15th word the priest uttered in Japanese, my mind was wondering and my butt had that prickly sensation you get when your foot falls asleep. These are the only words I understood:

Kami = God; sounds like "ka" as a bird would say caw caw and "mi" like me, myself
Kiristo = Christ; sounds like the Spanish "Kristos"
ne? = yes; sounds like neh. Ne with a "?" is like, 'Isn't that right?" (The priest said ne? after almost every other sentance)

Anyway, they have English Mass, but that priest is currently on leave in Poland. The priest now is from Quebec, so he only speaks French and Japanese, and rusty English. English Mass should start again in the Autumn, though I was told I am always welcome. Even though the priest said he understands how it is difficult to get to Mass in this society because of work and heat, so it's ok if I don't go every week. Maybe he just needs to brush up on his English skills...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i saw a t-shirt at borders the other day of that book series u like. the one with the vamps i think. i will try and get one for u and a book and send them to u if u want?