Sunday, August 24, 2008


I've been wanting to try this for a while, and I finally have. I made a music video! I think this is a better way to view lots of my pictures too. They take up so much space on the blog. I will continue to post individual pics on the blog, but I hope you enjoy the music video of my first month in Japan. Can you believe it's already been a whole month?!

The music is a song called Life from Kimaguren. I listen to this song everyday, it's like my theme song. The words are in English and Japanese :)


Anonymous said...

WOW! That was fabulous! You did a great job giving us a view of your new life on the other side of the world. We loved the song,too. We are really proud of you. :) Dad and Mom

Anonymous said...

Aww, why do you have to make me cry?! You did an amazing job making that video and the song was perfect. I can see why you like it so much. So proud of you for following your dreams, working so hard for them and even chasing them to the other side of the planet! Love you Stephanie Nicole Chill!

Unknown said...

i almost cried seeing u. there are a lot of fireworks there. lol. u really got to set up a wed cam!