Monday, August 11, 2008

A day of improvement

Before I begin this blog I want to recount a funny thing that happened last week. On Thursday I decided to eat at KFC, locally known as Kentucky's, since it was something my taste buds might recognize. I walk in to be greeted by rapid Japanese, so I nod my head and mumble "Konnichiwa" (good afternoon). Then I say "Kore onegaishimasu" and point to something that looks like a chicken wrap.
kore = this
; onegaishimasu = (roughly translated) please honor my request.
The guy rambles on a bit more in Japanese, both of us understanding that neither of us really knows what the other is saying. Somehow I ended up getting a combo with coke ( I don't usually drink coke unless it's a mixed beverage.) I get my food and sit down in a corner of the empty restaurant. 15 minutes later, 2 ladies walk in pushing a baby in a stroller. I think it's weird that they aren't talking, until I take a second look at them and realize they are speaking in sign language. The poor guy behind the counter tried to keep a straight face, but I could just tell he was thinking "What a day. I can't talk to anyone!"

As for today, despite not getting to the fridge or floors, I had a very productive day. I finally went down to the store to talk to Mr. Noda about removing the broken couch and obtrusive green chair in the kitchen. That sweet man got right to it, and now I am unusable-furniture free! I also decided to try to use up some of the random stuff left my last girl to make dinner. Bequeathed to me was an arm load of spices (some expired), an onion, quick cook rice for rice balls, whole wheat spaghetti, and 3 cans of tomato. Wonderful mix, right? I decided tonight would be a great Italian night, and since I had spaghetti and canned tomatoes. On your every day basis, I hate tomatoes. I hate cherry tomatoes, stuffed tomatoes, diced tomatoes, tomato soup, tomato juice, all of it. But I don't mind tomato sauce as long as I can pick around the chunks of tomato. I looked up a recipe online for tomato sauce, and ran to the store.

At the store I was able to pick up a pot (I only have frying pans), garlic, parsley, and wine. i was overjoyed to find my fav wine, Mouton Cadet, at the store. Unfortunately it's a half size for about 10 bucks. So I gambled on a Spanish wine called Sangre de Toro from Torres because it came with a cute little bull figurine :)
It's actually a very yummy wine full body with medium tannins, and lots of fruity dark red berry and pepper taste.
At home I followed the directions and wha-la! homemade spaghetti sauce that actually tastes good! It was a little on the sweet side, but I can't tell if it was the wheat pasta or something in the sauce. I made enough that I have leftovers for lunch this week, but I also didn't use to the whole bag of pasta. In the future there will be more Italian nights, complete with wine and Josh Groban singing in the background.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

silly girl. oh update: im going to borders today and try to get a job there again. and gavin says hi.