Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I could stay here for 5 years, and still leave knowing nothing. It's taking a while to adjust, and I knew it would. I do have lots of new friends who are helping me, but no one I am really close to yet. I knew I'd miss my friends, but I didn't realize how much I'd miss having the connection of a close friend near by. :(

Everything is Japanized. The apple juice tastes watered down, the rice is always sticky, they don't know what an amaretto sour is at the bar, the fried chicken tastes like seafood, taxi doors open on their own, everything is "cute-i-fied", and I can't find any plain, normal chocolate. I haven't cooked yet because I can't read, so I went to the store the other and picked a microwave bowl of spaghetti. What I got was something that tasted like a cheese and ham omelet. (*o*)

To top it off, this morning I took a cold shower. I did let the water run for a minute, but it never even warmed to lukewarm. I think I need to clean the filter for the bathtub, but there are no instructions as to how to accomplish that. I tried, but there is no special bag to empty. It's just a whole in the floor!

Add it to the list of questions, right? It certainly is interesting.

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