Friday, August 22, 2008


Ladies and Gents,

Tonight I experienced my first earthquake!

I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit frightened when it started. It only last a few seconds, maybe 20 at most, and I was in the middle of class.

At first, I felt a little funny and thought maybe I was going loopy. As I looked to the window, it seemed like my vision was swaying back and forth. The student I was talking with sat there, all nonchalant, and said, "It's an earthquake."

"Yeah!" I exclaimed. "It's my first!!" She laughed a little, and I could hear the students in the next room over laughing at my outburst too.

It wasn't a big one, and in retrospect, it was pretty cool. I have been through an (mini) earthquake.

What's weird was this morning I had a strong urge to double check my gas line and make sure I had turned it off. When I did check, I found that I had left the gas to the stove on/open. The earthquake was too small, and I've even been told nothing would have happened. It's just weird that I felt so strongly about it today when I've carelessly left it on in the past. Guess it's just good to be part of my family, as a few other relatives have had 'premonitions' of sorts.


Anonymous said...

That is too funny that the other people laughed at your excitement. I have those weird thoughts and urges like that too sometimes. Where something is really telling you to do or not do something. Freaky when it turns out to be right! Yay for your first earthquake!


Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot, I wanted to ask... what is the time difference?


Unknown said...

I don't know about NY, probably the same, but Fl is 13 hours behind Koriyama.

Anonymous said...

Steph, that was such a God moment about the gas. I wish their was some way when you make an entry it goes right to my email. I forget to check and then I am behind! I am so envious that you are there and so excited for you as well! I am so glad you got to realize your dream. Love ya, Karen (your Japanese mom)

Unknown said...

god, if it was me i think i would have been a little more freaked. im really glad it was just a small one.