Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The all nighter = no night

Last night I decided to stay up late, watching a Japanese tv show online. I justify it as language study. It's also still vacation week, so I'm not really worried about my daily routine.

Around 4:30, I finally felt ready to sleep, so I turned off the computer and climbed into bed, and was struck by a bright light outside my window/sliding glass door. I usually sleep in total darkness, so this light was a bit of a bother. I thought maybe it could be the porch light, but I still haven't figured out where that switch is. So I crawled out of bed and went to investigate. I thought maybe there could be a timer or something on the porch. As I pulled back the makeshift drapes (really bed sheets), and reached for the door, I realized that not even the street lights where on. The sky was cloudy, but bathed in a rosy-purple pink light. The sun was at the point where it is still hidden below the horizon, but is high enough to start lighting the dawn. And it was only 4:45 AM!!!!!!

The sun over here is Crazy; yes with a capital C!


Anonymous said...

So you never found out what that light was??

What Japanese tv show was it?

Love the posts!!

Unknown said...

kool u got to see the sunrise in japan. take pics next time i want to see.

Unknown said...

Well, the light was the sun lighting up the sky.

And there really isn't any good place to see the sunrise. Maybe if I go more into the mountains on a weekend or something. It's been pretty cloudy here though.