Friday, September 12, 2008

Hanging out

Lisa, my personally adopted Onee-san ( means big sister, sounds like O-nay-san), went out with me to an izakaiya (traditional Japanese restaurant/bar). Lisa has been super fabulous. We are totally different - she's a San Franciscan hippie liberal, and I hate politics - but she has taken me under her wing. Lisa has helped me understand teaching, driving, shopping, eating, and drinking. She has introduced me to people. She has helped me kill super evil looking spiders (yogata, ne?)

Tonight we talked about everything from politics, to boys, to the "pledge" system for gaijins of other gaijins (basically, how other English speakers accept or not new English speakers). Lisa really helps keep me calm, and distressed, even when she is stressed herself.

I <3 Lisa!

Lisa and her boyfriend, Isamu.
Lisa speaks as much Japanese as Isamu speaks English. You'd think that would be a difficult relationship, but Lisa says it makes it better because they communicate exactly what they need to.


Anonymous said...

Here's a random question. Do you get to vote even while you're in Japan? Maybe as an absentee ballot type??

Anonymous said...

Oops that was me - Kim :)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

so have u found any hotties yet?

Unknown said...

(because i can't type ...)

Hehe :)

Kim, you are always my tru blonde!

I can vote with an absentee ballot, I just need to set it up, then learn enough about each candidate to make an informed decision.

And T - no major hotties, but lots of really nice guys