Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Autumn Equinox festival

I am getting so behind on my blog, but it's not for a lack of things to write about! The past couple weeks have been so busy, that when I do get quiet time in my apartment, I am cleaning or sleeping.

September 23rd was a holiday for the Autumn Equinox. Equinox is a big deal in Japan, because it is when your ancestors are closer to the living world. Many people visit family graves to burn incense and pray. Since it's a calender holiday, James English school lets us have the day off. There was a big hip hop party at the Hip Shot club, but I decided not to go to that since I'd already agreed to go with Lisa and Bella to the Samurai festival in Aizu (a city about and hour NW). I would have been way to tired to go if I had been up drinking til 4AM, and I would have missed a great event.

Lisa and I got up early and took the 8AM bus so we would make it in time for the opening ceremonies. The bus took us from Koriyama Station all the way to the bus stop next to the castle where the opening was held. We made it just in time to see everyone walking in. There were hundreds of people, many of whom where dressed up with their group as samurai. The important characters (maybe a Lord or 2 and wives, famous guest actor, and a random western guy with a traditional Japanese bride) sat at the main stage. Each samurai group was told to come forward with a command (Otochin ?), and were announced. When they were all assembled some groups set off cannons, others danced, and still more gave mini battle preformances.

Bella and I were running around taking pictures, and of course surveying the groups for the hottest samurai. The coolest, hottest, most awesome guy was one of the leaders for the large blue group with the massive flag (see profile pic). His longish hair was brushed back, and his all black outfit with res trim was very intimidating. He was the kind of samurai you expected to see ina movie or comic book, even though he wasn't wearing amour. Just his precense was awesome, lol!

We followed all the groups off the castle grounds to downtown Aizu where there was a huge parade with all the samurai that lasted a few hours. I got lots of pictures and video. While we waited for the parade to make it's loop we bought some food from various booths set up along the side walk. I really love the festival food. It's probably all junk, but it usually is easy to eat and tastes good. I also got a shaved ice with stawberry flavor (when I pointed to it the man called it "straw" and his daughter said in Japanese, "No, Dad. Strawberry"), but it was basically all ice.

After the parade we went 'behind the scenes' where lots of samurai were changin back into modern people to meet one of Bella's friends/students. While we were back there we saw the man in black! It took a couple shoves, and a knock on the head with a coke bottle, but Bella and I built up our courage and ran over to ask for a picture with him. The first thing he said in Japanese was, "Aw, my stomach hurts." Bella was sooooooo mad because he seemed to be just mocking it. But he did agree to take a picture, and Bella stayed to take a picture because I still thought he was just the coolest looking Japanese guy ever. Bella still thinks he's a jerk, but maybe he did really have a stomach ache. Who knows!


Anonymous said...

Where is the picture of you and the man in black? You probably liked him because he reminds you of Sailor Moon's boyfriend Tuxedo Max, although come to think of it, he wasn't Japanese-looking. Looks like a lot of fun, and the castle is beautiful in the picture. I am sure it is even more impressive in person. Thanks for sharing with us. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Dad just showed me the separate little picture of the man in black! I had missed it. I was looking at the other pictures. Bye!