Sunday, September 7, 2008

My first day at Kindergarten

I woke up when I realized that my alarms had stopped sounding off. My eyes focused on the clock and I shot up. Today I have to drive to Sugama Kindergarten, and it takes an hour to get there. The clock said I only had an hour. I ran around the apartment, brushing my teeth, picking out clothes. and fabreezing my hair for 5 minutes before I realized my brain was working. I actually have 2 hours, one hour to get ready before I have to leave! Yogata, ne?? = (Thank God, right??)

So know I am just waiting for my pulse to slow down from being so scared. Here's some more Engrish:

I don't think it's the name of the street

Check out that tag line! I've always wanted a tasty life. Think I can choose the flavor?

No, it's not Engrish, but you can't go wrong with Yoda!
This one is for Uncle Lew. This is a high school student, one of many dressed up for a parade that was advertising the school festival. Each class had a different theme.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why are you "fabreezing" your hair?!