Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Driving sights

I was driving along the mountain roads today, minding my own business and enjoying the scenery. I was coasting around a curve when blinking hazard lights on a parked car caught my eye. I couldn't slow down much because there was a car behind me, but I needed to go around the parked car and there was some oncoming traffic. Now, I've already complained about how small the roads are, but they are big enough for passing. The car was pulled off the road just enough that if I tapped the breaks and really focused all around me, I could make it. So I went for it, and I was doing really well and so proud of myself!

But, I was so focused I almost missed one of the most random sights. On the side of of the road, maybe 10 feet from the park car was a bright, white bum. Yes, a human bum. Luckily I only got a glance, not a full on look, yuck! I guess this guy just really felt the call of nature. I mean, he couldn't even make it to the bushes that were just another 5 feet behind him.
Nope, no sir. He just popped a squat over a dirt pile and let loose, not caring who saw whatever.

All I could do was shake my head, and continue around the bend.

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