Sunday, September 7, 2008

My first day at Kindergarten: part 2

In the politest words I can muster: that freaking sucked!!!

Seriously, when those kids look back on their early English years, it will be filled with feelings of frustration and confusion.
I guess first off, it would have helped to be more prepared. Granted I did everything I could with the information I had. Aussie Mel went to the kindergartens most often, so no one could really let me know about what to expect. Even though I kept them moving, I repeated some stuff way too many times. This all just reinforces my thoughts on teaching really young kids: leave it to my mother!

I think I can do better next time, but there are some things I really want.
I want an quick evaluation, but the Japanese don't give feed back.
I want someone to tell me I did ok, but the Japanese don't give individual praise.
I want some critical critique, but the Japanese don't tell you if you do bad.
I want a hug, but the Japanese don't even touch!!!

Last night at Lisa's going away party I met another new girl, Julie. She just arrived last week, so we are in the same boat. So maybe I vent to her over coffee this afternoon, and I won't have to worry about translating the intention in whatever she says.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that sucks. hopefully u will do better next time.