Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl XLIII

I've been really bummed because the Super Bowl was on while I was working. Usually I don't religiously follow sports, even football, but the Super Bowl was in Tampa AND the Steelers we playing.

A friend said he's keep me updated, so here is how my morning went.
Got up at 8 and got ready for work.
First text update received around 8:30 about Steelers touchdown then recall.
Drove to the kindergarten from 9-10.
Taught from 10:20-11.
Raced home to find an internet radio.
(I think my friend got into the game cause I didn't get anymore texts)
Found out we were loosing.
Got the radio running right after the last touchdown to learn Steelers were back in the lead.

Time and Steelers have a 6 title with a 27-23 game! WOOO WHOOOO STEELERS!!!!!!

But one of my favorite things is that I am work in Japan, get updates from a friend in France, and listen to a radio about a game in Tampa. Isn't it just great?!?!


Anonymous said...

I didn't even know it was today until right after kick off someone told me. Shows how much I follow sports. I agree though, technology is great! :)


Unknown said...

wow thats kool!