Friday, February 6, 2009

On Vacation!

I don't have a lot of time because as usual and am rushing to complete last minute things before I leave. In about an hour I will be boarding a train to Sapporo, Hokkaido (the North most island of Japan) for the 60th annual Snow Festival!

Going to this festival is something I've always wanted to do, since before I even came to Japan. So, I took 2 days off work and I'm on snow vacation! There are supposed to be over 200 statues and sculptures made of ice or snow. I don't know if I'll have a chance to get to an internet cafe, but I'll be taking tons of pictures and I'll be sure to update when I get back.

Gotta run!


Anonymous said...

I didn't know that the festival was for only one week. I thought it went on for a month or two. Have fun and good luck! It may be crowded. We can't wait to hear about it and to see pictures. Love you!

Turner said...

Hey Steph,

Came across your blog while looking for teachers at James English School. Send me an email if you have the chance. Have fun at the snow festival, and be sure to drink some of that bottled chocolate drink from Ishiya. Oishi!

Unknown said...

kool have fun! so r u coming home this yr? u know for steph's wedding? i dont want to be the only bridesmaid.

Amie said...

That sounds awesome. Have fun!!!