Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pics from the Samurai festival

The Aizu Castle with everyone gathering.
The random Westerner (I later learned he is supposed to be German) and his Japanese bride.
A mock battle with demons and Samurai in front of the main stage.
Living up to the Samurai name.
The big blue flag group:

See the man in black.
See the man in black run.
The famous actor guest.
On a horse, of course.
They made Spiderman the clean up crew! Poor Spidey!


Anonymous said...

Cool pictures! I showed them to Grandma today, and she wanted to see more pictures with YOU in them. And when I showed her the castle, she said it didn't look like a castle to her! Just a building. I guess she was thinking of what most of us have in mind when we think of a castle.
Love, Mom

Unknown said...

i like the pics. but i too wan to see more of u.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Theresa!
We haven't heard from you or seen you for a while! Did you get a job yet? Call us sometime.