Saturday, October 11, 2008

Shrine Festivals

An Omikoshi - Portable shrine. Check out that detail!
Festival food - fried squid on a stick. I didn't eat it, would you?

That random blond girl is my friend Donna.
Each group had a priest looking guy lead the way
Some of the people from our friend's shrine, including Bella and Donna
In Nihomatsu, getting ready to pop a sticky anko ball - red bean dessert.
It's a giant dino bounce house!!
Dave in front of the steps leading to Nihomatsu's city temple. We called it the tic tac toe temple, can you tell why?
One of the lantern shrines(for lack of a better word)
Relighting some of the lanterns

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the squid thing on a stick looks like a spider. ewwwww!