Thursday, October 30, 2008


Ebony was a blast. We drank free beer until 2 am, and danced all night! I also met a cute boy. Oddly enough, he is from Peru and his name is Cristian. I probably won't see him again, but that's ok. He didn't speak much English, and I don't speak much Spanish, and neither of us speak enough Japanese to converse, lol ^o^

Anyway, today I'd like to record a different subject - my equilibrium, or lack thereof. In America, I typically have pretty good balance. At least, I don't remember falling over all the time. In Japan, however, my stability has deserted me. I keep falling, or running into things, and not because I have been drinking! It began quite a few weeks ago, maybe sometime in September. I ran after my friend in a bar, tripped, and fell flat on my face. I've missed a couple chairs I tried to sit in. I've fallen while dancing. I've tripped going down stair, and up them! The worst, though, was today when I was going down the stairs of my apartment building. Somehow I slipped, and my right foot slid down the stairs upside down. It hurt immediately; one of those take your breath away pains. I gave it a minute before I stood on it, but it seemed ok. I walked all the way back to work and proceeded with the rest of my day as if nothing happened. I must have been walking on adrenalin or shock. After my last class, I noticed my foot kinda hurt when I stood. I went to salsa, dance a couple dances, then decided to go home cuz my foot was starting to hurt worse. When I got home and took my boot off, the pain increased rapidly though it hasn't swelled at all. I've currently taken 4 aspirin, elevated and iced my foot. I don't have a stretch bandage, but I've put 3 socks around my foot to try to keep it tight. Unfortunately, nothing seems to be helping. I can't put any weight on my foot without yelling out. I have to hop anywhere I want to go!

I only have a sample lesson tomorrow, no classes. But I hope my foot heals enough that I can walk to work. :(

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cant take u any where. hope nothing is broken.