Saturday, November 1, 2008


I went to the hospital on Friday because I still couldn't walk on it. In Japan, you don't really go to the doctor's office. Everyone goes to the hospital, even for a minor cold. Kimiko, our new office assistant, went with me to translate. She said it usually takes a few hours of waiting, but I guess we were lucky because we saw a doctor in 20 minutes. Talking with a translator was really interesting. If anything, living in Japan gives me an understanding of what immigrants in America must go through, except it must be so much more difficult in our society. I am extremely fortunate because even though I am dependant, I am surrounded by people who want to help me and see me succeed.

The doc took 4 xrays, but nothing showed up broken. He said I must just have a bad sprain in the ligaments of the small foot bones, right where the long foot bones start to stretch out. He wrapped my foot, prescribed some pain relievers, and loaned me crutches, and said keep the foot elevated and iced. He wants to see me again in a couple weeks just to make sure the ligaments is the only problem.

Besides the doctor being so efficient and friendly, the bill really surprised me. Including the first time fee, and medicine, I only paid about 3,500 Yen, which is $35!!

I've been favoring my foot, but I still went out last night. I feel ok today. I'll probably try walking around some more just so it doesn't get weak.


Unknown said...

plz be more careful with ur self. we want u back in one piece.

Unknown said...

That's awesome! Glad the bill was so small too :)