Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nothing special

I don't have anything exciting to blog about right now. I just thought I'd update as practice while I sit here in my cold (and dropping temp) apartment. I'm just sitting here because I am waiting for the toyu truck.

toyu - kerosene (sounds like toy - you)

I ran out of heat a couple days ago, but couldn't buy more until today because today is PAYDAY!! Whooppie! Luckily, Lisa lent me a can of toyu which I was able to spread to this morning.

Today it's snowing outside. It's probably the first time since before the new year that is has snowed during the day. Falling snow is pretty, but maybe prettier at night. During the day it just makes the whole area look dreary. Of course, this is only the beginning. Everyone says the real winter hasn't started yet. When there is a good snow, there'll be 2 feet of snow on the ground. I'm gonna hate trudging to work through that!

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So the toyu truck finally arrived! I thought it'd be in the main parking lot, but I never saw him drive up. I decided to wait downstairs, and when I took my gas tanks down, he was waiting right there by the staircase on the road side. I filled up 3 tanks, a couple gallons each, and it cost me about $40.

The hardest part of using gas, I think, is lugging those heavy tanks back up the stairs. I live on the 4th floor, for crying out loud, and there's no elevator! It's really inconvenient. And carrying those tanks gives me rough hands. Which, maybe is a good thing since I want to start rock climbing (I don't think I mentioned this yet).

Last Sunday I went rock climbing with my friend Christine. She works for James as well, but at the Fukushima branch. Fukushima is the capital of my prefecture, but it's still a small city. The train ride from there to Kori is about an hour. Christine is from Settle, where she climbed for 6 years. We went to Trail Rock, and indoor climbing gym in Kori. Christine was like spiderman - climbing all over the walls and even upside down! while I did some climbing in college at the gym, I never got any good. So, I just stayed on the easy wall. Even so, after just an hour my arms were so sore I almost couldn't hold on the the rock pegs on the wall. On the downside, by left foot has been bother me all week. I think the shoes gave me some blisters on the top of my toes. I also whacked my foot into the wall a few weeks ago when I slipped on the stairs. I don't know if I interrupted the healing process from that, or maybe I strained a muscle, but it hurts a bit to walk on the outside of the foot, so I've been walking with most of the pressure on my toes or instep. Oh well! Just another klutzy moment of your truly!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

stop hurting ur self. and i miss u.