Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Being election day back home in the ol' good US of A, I thought I should comment.
I did not vote, though being overseas this would probably have been the easiest place to vote. While CNN is showing lines that wide around blocks, all I had to do was get an absentee ballot and send it home. Part of the reason I didn't vote is pure lazy apathy in requesting the proper forms. Another part (which you may call lazy) is that I just plain don't like politics. Listening to debates doesn't motivate me, it just makes me feel confused. I'm a strong person, but easily swayed by a good sounding argument. I don't want to be an issue voter, but weeding through all the statements looking for the truth and trying to understand exactly what was said just makes me frustrated. I have a low attention span as well. If you want to be upset that I am not voting, just chalk it up to one less for your team's opponent.

You are probably wondering what the opinions are of the international population. Everyone is really interested to see what will happen. Many students want to talk about it in class. From all the students I have taught, including Japanese students here and other nationalities from ELS, Obama is the popular candidate. I work with 2 American teachers, both of whom have voted for Obama. Many of the other English teachers have said that if they could vote, they'd be casting ballots for Obama. I am thinking really hard, but I no one comes to mind for McCain.

It'll be really interesting to see what happens, but more so to see the response. At times like these, I always remember my Honors American History teacher in high school, Mr. Saunders. he always said to pay attention because we are making history right now. I wonder if my grandkids will be interviewing me for history reports in 50 years.

Good luck voters!


Anonymous said...

It is sad that all of your new friends and students are liberal. It is also sad that America cares more about the economy than defending the right to life of the unborn and supporting the soldiers in the military. Every terrorist country wanted Obama so they can "sit down and talk" with him while they plan to kill us. They hate us because of our freedom. They know he has NO experience and he will be easier to manipulate than McCain. We will all just have to see what happens.

Unknown said...

the economy is the reason i was let go form a good job. im no struggling to pay my bills and save money to get out of my grandparents house and support myself. as for the troops i have lots for friends that r in the military and they don want to be over anywhere where they r getting shot at. they know that the only way that they can hurt us is by being sneaky not fighting us in a real war. we have to out wit them to beat them. as for the unborn my mother has taught me that it my body i can do what i want to it and/or with it. its my choice! no one else's. so its not just her new friends its her old ones too.

Unknown said...

Ok people, this is my blog, not a political soapbox. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, but in about 4 years you're all gonna have different opinions anyway. So no fighting on my space.

Unknown said...

i wasnt fighting. i was just letting ur mom know that some of ur friends back feel that same as the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't fighting either. I was just commenting to you, Steph, that as Catholic Christians, we put life before the almighty dollar
and perhaps you could express that to your new friends. Our country made a terrible mistake in 1972, and your generation has grown up being told that something that is morally wrong is legal and that makes it OK. Show me in the Bible where it says do whatever you want with your body! And I am sorry for all the people getting shot at in the military, but not one of them was drafted. They all voluntarily joined the service. Hello, you may get shot at if you join the Army! Those brave men and women have kept us from being targeted again like we were in 9/11and President Bush has kept us safe. No one sees that. They just are looking at the dropping stock market, which is the fault of greedy Republicans and Democrats. As I said, now that Obama is President, just wait and see what happens. I don't think we will all have different opinions
four years from now. I don't consider this fighting, but you are right, it is your blog and maybe we should stick to talking about what you are doing in Japan, besides not voting and hanging around with liberals!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Roe vs Wade was 1973, not 1972, but I don't know how to go back and change it in my previous post. Love you, Steph! Miss you too! XOXOX

Unknown said...

Why do i have the feeling that im no longer allowed at ur mom's house?

Anonymous said...

Theresa, we still love you! Come on over - we just won't talk politics! :)