Saturday, October 11, 2008


Grandparents' race
Olympic theme
Aren't they cute in their sailor hats?!
2-year olds' race
The kids are such good dancers, and so daring!
Jimmy and Kayla in the 3-year olds' race
Parachutes were my favorite PE thing when I was a kid!
Part of the gymnastic routine
Parent/Teacher tray balance race
Parent/Teacher pass off race
Funehiki after school care gets awesome toys!


Anonymous said...

How darling those little ones are!! I just love these pictures. I need to figure out if I can forward these to my school computer so I can show my little kids the pictures of kids on the other side of the world. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

If you right click, then 'save as' you should be able to save the pictures to your computer. You can then attach them in an email and email it to your school address.