Wednesday, July 30, 2008

First day at JES

My first day of orientation at James English School was alright. I observed Winnie's classes today. Classes are small, averaging at about 3 people per class. It's much more informal than ELS, but that is only "in home" classes. Tomorrow we are going to one of the 2 culture centers, and there should be an adult group and 2 children's groups. We'll see how that goes.

Yuri, the office assistant, drove me to City Hall so I could register for my gaijin (foreigner) card. This also brought about an impromptu Japanese lesson. I have decided to pass on some of that info to you. Here is today's lesson:

Kawaii = cute; sounds like "Hawaii"
ie: Your baby is kawaii!

Kowai = scary; sounds like "ko-wI"
ie: My government id picture is kowai. or Monsters are kowai.

In other news, Japan does have mosquitoes. And let me tell something to you, they eat me up just as much here as in Florida. The big difference- I got 3 bites Monday night (my first night), and now 2 nights later I still have huge, itchy welts from them. I don't know what those bugs are packin' in those needle noses, but it's way more agitating.

After a day of observation and strong resistance to not itch in public, I walked back to the apt with another co-worker, Lisa. On the way home Lisa introduced me to the Taj Mahal, a Pakistani restaurant that apparently everyone eats at. I ordered the Chicken Sagwala, which it like chicken spinach curry. It was awesome. Honestly, the first place I had curry was in Japan, and it's still the best curry I've ever had. I guess they just make it different in Japan. I also ordered sesame Nan with it. Nan is bread to dip in the curry. I thought it'd be like a pita thing, but it was much larger and softer.

Tomorrow is day 2 of observation, and at night Lisa is supposed to take me a club where they do jiv/swing dancing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kawaii - I can learn that one! You're so kawaii!! I can't wait to read more! Love you!