Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jump 'n' Jive

After another long day of observations, this one at the Ito Yodako (shopping) culture center with 2 kids classes, I decided the best thing for my exhausted body was to go out.

I don't actually remember the name of the bar, but Lisa, a fellow James teacher from San Fransisco, invited me to a swing night. I'd already said yes least night, and she'd told some of her Japanese friends, so I figured I could suck it up for a few hours since I did't teach any classes the next day.

We walked into a small, but long black walled bar with a family run sorta feel. A white and black poster of Steve Tyler took center stage on the left wall, surrounded by an assortment of typical American paraphernalia, some more rocker stuff and some "Historic Route 66" signs. There were about 10 people, all obviously friends. Most of them knew Lisa, and she fired off Japanese greetings while I plastered a smile to my face and nodded my head. It's going to take me a while just to get used to hearing Japanese!

It was one of the guys birthday, so there was a cake and singing (the English version. Why not, right?) and then much dancing to English Swing songs ( I think I ever heard a few songs by the Supremes). Some people were jiving, and some were swing dancing. In college I went to some swing dances, but I never really learned it. Everyone was so friendly at the bar though, and someone was always there to give pointers or a quick lesson. Who would have thought I could learn the Charleston in Japan? This would definitely be a place to take visitors, because it's so much fun! I think Kara or Gavin would have an especially good time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hellooooo.... i swing dance tooooo! lol good to here that there are some familiar sights and sounds around. and did u mean steven tylor from aerosmith? now that is kick ass. the Japanese have good taste!