Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Tomorrow is 日食, or nissyoku (it might also be kaikinishyoku)- the total solar eclipse! (I'm not going to try to pronounce this one because I found it online and haven't asked anyone yet.) The total part will be viewable very far South of me on the Tokara Islands, and then the percentage of visual obscurity decreases from there. About 4 hours (by bus) South of me in Tokyo the sun will be 70% blocked at 11:13AM, while about 3 hours (by bus) North of me in Sendai the sun will be 40% blocked at 11:10AM. So based my scientific calculations of guesstimation, Koriyama will be 52.5% blocked at 11:11 and 32 seconds AM.

I was so excited when I found out I would be in the right part of the world for a total solar eclipse (you poor suckers will be shrouded by the night time sky, getting ready for bed). You may not know it, but seeing a total solar eclipse - the actual total part- is a huge dream of mine. One of those must-do before I die things. Unfortunately because of work and the remoteness of the place from which to see the total part, I can't see it this year. I almost considered quiting my job to go see it because I thought it only happened once every 75 years or something, and I don't know if I'll be around for my 100th birthday. I might skydiving or something.

But then I discovered that Solar Eclipses happen all the time! Total solar eclipse are still rare, but not 75 years rare. The eclipse on July 22, 2009 is special because it will be the longest one in the 21st Century, but by a minute or so. But considering that the total solar eclipse doesn't always make landfall, I still feel bad that I am here and will only see part of it. I'd have to travel to Easter Island on July 11, 2010 for the next one.

Of course, tomorrow's forecast for almost all of Japan is rain.

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