Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The past couple days I've been trying to think of a way to describe the winter climate of Koriyama, but last night something happened that eclipsed it all. I fell down the stairs again. Only this time, instead of falling forward, my feet flew out from under me, and I slid down 3 jarring concrete steps right into a cold puddle of 2 day old mud water.

Great luck, right? I tried to catch myself, but my hands were full with trash since Thursday is trash and can day. My friend Dave voiced his concern between muffled laughter. I would have laughed too, except I was warring between the urge to vomit or cry. I quickly pushed down both urges, and stood up, which only led to extreme spinning and dizziness. Dave and I sat (I more like rested my weight on my left thigh) on the steps while I tried to decide if I was broken or bruised. Today it hurts to sit, and I have a bruise the size of Mount Rushmore.

On the upside (which is in no way related), I'm finished with Junior high, Elementary schools, and Kindergarten for 3 weeks! WOO WHOO!!

On Monday when I left for work (driving out into the country to Sugama K) I thought it was raining. I ran back inside and grabbed an umbrella. When I go to the parking lot it wasn't raining, but water was still dripping from the roof. As I drove out, it looked like a fine layer of dust had settled on the mountains. I also noticed that in the empty lots, especially towards the shadows, the dirt was lighter than usually. Suddenly, it dawned on me: it was never raining, It was melting snow!

yuki (sounds like u-key) - snow


Unknown said...

plz be more careful with ur self. we want u home in one piece.

Unknown said...

I'm being as careful as I can be, really!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should ask if you could move to a ground floor apartment, since you seem to be challenged by walking down steps! It must be because you lived in a one-story house all your life, poor girl. We didn't prepare you to handle the real world where people live on upper levels!

Anonymous said...

Man Mom and Dad are mean! Haha. I was also going to suggest a lower level though haha. Poor Steph! We always had that clutz thing in common though. Just don't shoot for my four sprained ankles, which it looks like you are aiming for now! I love you! Take care of yourself!!


Char said...

Seriously....time to move down to the first floor. You gotta be in one piece if you want to do traveling after japan!