Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Disney and Great friends!

Japan is cold, cold, cold! It snowed last week, but around midnight. None of the snow stuck, so I still haven't had a snowball fight or built a snowman. Last Saturday I did manage to make it down to Tokyo Disneyland.

It's pretty much exactly like Orlando Disney's Magic Kingdom, except smaller (maybe more crowded), and in Japanese. I took the night bus from Koriyama and arrived at 7am. The park didn't open until 8am, so I had some time to freshen up in the bathroom (which was my first long line - about a 10 minute wait). I just walked around took pictures until my friends came at 11am. We only got on 3 rides - Space Mountain, Haunted Mansion, and Pirates of the Caribbean. SM and HM were the same set up. Instead of just being haunted, the HM had a whole Nightmare Before Christmas theme. I liked it a lot! Pirates was really similar, but my friend from LA said it was exactly like the California Pirates. All of Disney is decked out for Christmas, which I was really happy about. I also go to see the Stitch Christmas parade, and the Electric parade- super cool!! The fire works were cancelled due to high wind :( I took another night bus back, and got back to Koriyama at about 4am. I was exhausted!

Monday I was kind of cranky. It's not Japan, I just keep getting frustrated. But today I got a fabulous surprise! I was at work when a huge box arrived for me. I wasn't expecting anything from Mom, so I teared up when I saw it was from Orlando. Karyn, Char, and Cami spent waaay too much money (really guys, I feel bad who had to spend so much just on shipping!) sending me Christmas in a box! I was so excited that I ripped it open right there in the main office, and Yuri (our secretary, but she does way more) and I started investigating every present. The girls sent me everything from totally rad socks and dvds, to a little xmas tree and ornaments, to oreos and add-water mashed potatoes, to spices and pjs!!! There was also a random red rope ... not sure yet what that is for.
I really just feel so very loved!
I have the greatest friends in the whole world!!!


Unknown said...

way kool! super hug!

Anonymous said...

Wow that is so great that they sent you that stuff! marie

Amie said...

I can't wait till I get enough snow to build a snowman too!!!!